Sunday 15 May 2011

Facing the journey

We have been told that we are very brave to be making the choice to continue with the pregnancy knowing that the outcome will be so sad. Given that both of us feel so strongly that it is not for us to decide when our daughter’s life ends, this was the only choice we could have made. I don’t feel brave at all. I am scared of what the days ahead will bring. This is not a journey I ever thought I would have to travel and I am just thankful that I will not have to travel it alone.


Dana said...

I'm Dana. I also write at I just read about what's happening in your life right now, and I wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. My heart goes out to you; you are not alone.

liquoriceuk said...

Hello Dana, thank you for your message - it really does help a little to know that our little girl is in the thoughts and prayers of so many people at the moment.