Had such a fantastic time at my 30th birthday party last night – it is always great to be able to spend time with friends and family. There were a few very interesting fancy dress costumes – one of my brothers turned up as a Transformer (walking on stilts inside the costume) and one of my nephews turned up on his horse dressed up as Robin Hood. We gave up on the karaoke quite early in the evening due to technical problems but the disco was great, if a bit loud (does complaining about the noise levels means that I’m getting old?!)
Fancy dress is fun. We had a silver theme for a party. Some people just wore a token silver paper hat or silver foil wig but others really made an effort with brilliant homemade costumes. I wish I'd taken more photos but I was too busy enjoying myself. The 100 words is a brilliant idea. Do you ever cheat and slip in 105 words?
It was fun doing the fancy dress - I hired my costume, but some of the homemade ones were fantastic (particularly my brother in the Transformer costume!)
I've managed to keep each entry exactly 100 words so far - it's not always easy though!
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