Thursday 30 June 2011

Successful surgery (hopefully!)

The team at Oxford managed to carry out the surgery on Jessica yesterday evening and it looks like the hole in her heart has been enlarged although it is too early to tell whether it has made much difference to blood flow or whether her odds for post-birth surgery have improved. She seemed to cope very well with it all and is moving about this morning which is just the most amazing feeling in the world. We feel so incredibly blessed to be here right now with her still wriggling about – God has really been amazing throughout all of this.


Dana said...

I'm so happy for you! I've been praying for you, Jessica, your husband, and the doctors. I've been thinking about you all day and am so glad to hear that Jessica coped well and is wiggling around. God is amazing!

liquoriceuk said...

Thank you so much Dana - we are just so thrilled that things seem to have gone well - it is still very early days to see if it will ultimately change things but we have hope again and that is enough for now