Saturday 9 January 2010

Refund result

Since July, I’ve been battling to get a refund from a coach company (having booked a coach for my wedding and then being told the day before that the coach was off the road resulting in a last-minute panic trying to book another coach). It’s taken endless phone calls, emails and letters – all resulting in me being told I’d receive a refund in the post until finally I threatened to take them to the small claims court. Surprise, surprise, they’ve now finally got round to refunding my money but needless to say, I won’t be using that coach company again.


Phil said...

You really should feel free to use your blog to 'name and shame'. Wonderful thing the web, it's really hard to get rid of bad publicity.

liquoriceuk said...

Ok, naming and shaming time it is! The company was Momentum Transport.