Tuesday 17 February 2009


Working in the office has caused a little confusion because it means there are now two Louises in the office. I’ve been nicknamed “George” (which will be my married surname). It’s not the best nickname in the world, I have to say and despite disliking my name being shortened, that is the more appealing option! Previous nicknames have been “Wee Louise”, “Lou-Lou”, “Weezie” and “Twiglet” (not sure of the origin of that one!). At school, my best friend and I were known as “Little and Large” as she was the tallest girl in the year and I was the shortest.


Unknown said...

I seem to have become Gilly-bean at church but not at work i was for a while old Gillian as there was another Gillian who was young Gillian

Ironic since there is a now 10 years between me and the next youngest person!!!!!

liquoriceuk said...

When the other midwife Louise started, she was going to be "new Louise" which I objected to on the grounds it would make me "old Louise" but fortunately she solved the problem herself by preferring to be called Lou.

Gilly-bean is definitely an improvement on "old Gillian!"