Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Home grown

I’ve been trying to grow a few salad vegetables, herbs and plants on my balcony. The trouble is, I go through periods of forgetting to water the plants and as a result most of the plants on the balcony are more brown than green and look to be in terminal decline. In spite of this I have managed to successfully grow spring onions and a few herbs. There is something very satisfying about eating food that you have grown yourself, and it also tastes so much better. If only I could remember to water the plants on a regular basis…


Mark (under construction) said...

Why not try a hydroponic concept? using perlite/vermiculite (50/50) as the growing medium, with a hydroponic solution supplying nutrients? Watering them will be a complete replacement every 3 weeks. Growing herbs this way is productive, requires little space and pleasing to the eye.

liquoriceuk said...

That sounds like a good idea - might try that, thank you for the suggestion.