There are times when I take my husband for granted, when criticism comes more easily than cuddles and I forget the things I love about him because I’m too busy grumbling about the things I don’t. So, to redress the balance, here are some of the things I love about him:
1) He makes me laugh.
2) He gives the best hugs ever.
3) He always sees the good in people (not one of my skills, I have to admit!)
4) He tells me every day that I am beautiful and he loves me.
What more could a girl want?
Welcome to my blog! My aim is to write exactly 100 words preferably on a daily basis, to share my thoughts, any creative ideas and generally to help me focus my writing.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Skewed perceptions
I have again received a timely reminder which has made me realise how lucky I am to have Michael and that I should stop focusing on criticism and re-focus on cuddles. I have also realised that my perception of a typical day was perhaps a little harsh. It doesn’t reflect the fact that my working hours are generally less than Michael’s. Unless I have been called to a birth, I usually leave the house after he does and get home from work before him. Being at home more means that the bulk of the domestic chores naturally fall to me.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
A day in the life...
My day: get up, make breakfast, make lunch, put a load of washing on, sweep up the cereal that Michael dropped on the floor, make bed, wash up, go to work. Come home, hang the washing on the airer, hoover and tidy, cook dinner, eat dinner, wash up, write blog, go to bed.
Michael’s day: wake up, play games on iPod for 15 minutes, get up, have breakfast, pick up packed lunch, go to work. Come home, put TV on and sit on sofa, eat dinner, fly helicopter, go to bed.
Something tells me I’ve drawn the short straw here...
Michael’s day: wake up, play games on iPod for 15 minutes, get up, have breakfast, pick up packed lunch, go to work. Come home, put TV on and sit on sofa, eat dinner, fly helicopter, go to bed.
Something tells me I’ve drawn the short straw here...
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Wardrobe malfunction
I had a bit of a wardrobe crisis recently – being behind on laundry meant my only clean tights were winter ones. I was reluctant to succumb to winter tights this early or to wear trousers so I was quite relieved to find a pair of hold-ups in the sock drawer. Perfect solution, or so I thought. Off I went to my postnatal visit, checked mum and baby over, and then just as I stood up to leave, my hold-ups made a bid for freedom and decided to transform themselves into ankle warmers. I was somewhat embarrassed to say the least.
Contemplations on Christianity
The recent articles in the news about Anglicans being allowed to become part of the Roman Catholic church whilst still retaining some of their Anglican identity has got me thinking about all the differing branches of Christianity that exist with their varied views and styles of worship. Are some branches right and others wrong or are we just choosing to sing different songs from the same underlying hymnbook? Are we seeing the same God from different perspectives or are we in danger of creating our own god which sits more comfortably with our own views and beliefs about the world?
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Sunny Swanage
One of the best things about getting out of the city and going out into the country is seeing all the stars. Where we live, there is so much light pollution that we only ever get to see the brightest stars and the moon (not helped by the fact that our next door neighbours like to flood-light their back garden). I had almost forgotten how amazing the night sky looks when there is no light pollution and quite how many constellations there are. It is such a beautiful sight, and unfortunately one which I don’t get to see very often.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Another October baby and the hope of sleep!
The broken nights have continued with my “day” starting at 1.45am this morning when I was called out to a labour. I was tired, running purely on caffeine and adrenaline but it was magical to be there at the birth later in the afternoon and see the awe and wonder on two new parents’ faces. I headed home feeling very happy – a feeling aided by the fact that my October babies have now all made their way into the world and I can have a glass of wine and feel that perhaps tonight, at last, I will get some sleep!
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Bleary-eyed and at a birth
It’s been a long day, or at least, it has certainly felt like a long day. Another night of being afflicted by insomnia followed by an early morning call to go and attend a waterbirth. Being there to welcome a new baby in the world was lovely although I must confess that the cup of tea afterwards was much needed – caffeine is my friend at the moment! However, travelling home crawling along at a snail’s pace left me feeling rather grouchy. I’m aiming for an early night and hoping for some sleep, although chances of being called out remain high.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Insomnia is a pain. You spend half the night trying to fall asleep, seeing the hours on the clock tick by before eventually drifting into a light doze an hour before you have to get up anyway. The day passes in a fog of exhaustion, your brain seems to be made of cotton wool, you curse the snail-like pace of the traffic on the way home and hope that the next night will be a better one. Insomnia coupled with being on-call is even worse - particularly when babies are late and the odds of being called out are ever-increasing.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Little things
It is the little things in life that can help to make a day a good one. A cheerful person behind the counter of the coffee shop, a baby’s smile, someone letting you out when the traffic is busy, getting a compliment. It is always nice to receive a compliment, and even more so when it comes completely out of the blue, and from a complete stranger. I was out and about doing visits this morning when a lady walking past commented on how pretty my skirt was. It was just a little compliment, but it really made my day.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Ten green bottles...
We have a bit of a surplus of wine at the moment. Michael joined a wine club about eighteen months ago resulting in us being sent a dozen bottles of wine every three months. With me being on call nearly all the time and Michael’s crazy working hours, we just can’t get through them. As well as this, I sometimes bring home a bottle of wine or champagne received as a thank you and so we now have quite a collection! Fortunately Michael has finally got around to cancelling the wine club – now we just need to start drinking it!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Family, felicitations and F1
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Stretching the limits of artistic licence
Friday, 16 October 2009
Don't call me dear
I got mistaken for a 17 year old the other day which was quite flattering. However, looking younger than I am isn’t always an advantage, particularly when shop assistants (particularly when they are women of a certain age) start being quite patronising. I went shopping recently with Michael in a local department store – he was asked “Can I help you, sir?” whereas I was asked things like “Are you all right there, dear?” or “Do you need a bag, love?” which left me fuming. It’s not endearing, it’s patronising and annoying and I wish people would just stop doing it.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Contemplations on cooking
Michael and I go through phases when we seem to eat out or get takeaway food quite a lot. It usually coincides with me being a bit busier and feeling like I can’t be bothered to cook (Michael will occasionally cook dinner, but most of the cooking is down to me). Other times, I will go through phases of really enjoying cooking and trying out different recipes. My slow cooker and bread maker are two of my favourite gadgets – now we eat a lot more home-cooked food, but with a lot less effort on my part which is always good!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Winds of change
The proposed changes at work have now been put forward to the team and so far seem to have been met with a positive response although there’s a four week review period to allow everyone to feed back their thoughts before anything definite starts happening with the new ways of working which have been suggested. I wasn’t sure how well it would go down given that people generally don’t like change but the new ways of working seem to address quite a few of the problems that currently keep cropping up so hopefully this change will be for the better!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
9 years of Louise & Michael
Monday, 12 October 2009
Let's face the music and dance

Sunday, 11 October 2009
Chilled out Sunday
It’s been the perfect end to a lovely chilled out Sunday – curled up on the sofa, eating popcorn and watching Mamma Mia having spent the afternoon shopping with an uncomplaining husband in tow (who didn’t express any disapproval when I was forced to succumb to the delights of the Monsoon sale and buy even more clothes that will have to go in his wardrobe, mine being full). That said, the delightful effect is currently being diminished by the model helicopter being flown around the lounge (so far, he’s managing to keep it away from anything breakable, so far, so good!)
Saturday, 10 October 2009
How married life should be...
After a busy day at work, it is nice to come home and put my feet up. Usually I get home and end up rushing around doing all the little household chores and cooking dinner whilst Michael tends to come in, put the TV on and crash on the sofa until I tell him that dinner is ready. Tonight he has surprised me by reversing the roles – it is me crashed out on the sofa watching the TV whilst Michael is cooking me dinner. This is definitely how married life should be - I could get used to this quite easily...
The miracle of birth
It’s been a busy few days on the baby-catching front – one of those weeks when I start to wonder whether someone has put castor oil in the water or was Sunday’s full moon to blame? Either way, it seems that half the October clients have decided this week is a good one for giving birth. I was lucky enough to be at a lovely water birth last night and get to welcome a gorgeous baby girl into the world. It’s not every day you get to witness the miracle of life in such a beautiful way – even in this job.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Little and large
There’s quite a height difference between me and Michael – I am 5ft and he is 6ft 3 which is very handy when I need to get something down from a high shelf. Sometimes I forget that we see things at different levels – I once tried to hide chocolate on the top shelf of a cupboard and was actually surprised when he opened the cupboard and spotted it straight away. Unfortunately, he keeps his chocolate stash at the back of the top shelf in his wardrobe which is very effective as I can’t quite reach it even standing on a chair!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Scary, moi?
My role in Fiddler on the Roof requires me to shriek and scream and then sing (which is all surprisingly difficult) and generally be scary. Apparently I am succeeding in the general scariness factor – which is fine when I’m in character, not fine when I arrive home and my husband cowers on the sofa as I walk towards him after he has dropped a chocolate bar wrapper on the floor. On the plus side, it shows he is realising that chocolate bar wrappers belong in the bin and not on the floor (husband training is working!) but honestly – scary, moi?
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
The joys of web-spinning
I’m not particularly good at website design, but somehow I seem to have volunteered myself to create and manage a website for a local group of churches with information about each church. The trouble is, not only am I expected to create the website itself, I also seem to be expected to provide all the content for it! People are very quick to grumble that there is not enough information about their church or church event but very slow to actually provide me with any information that I can use. Clearly I need to brush up on my psychic abilities.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Birth music
One of the things I often do when preparing a birth room is to put some relaxing background music on, although often women will bring an iPod to play their choice of birth music. I was a birth partner for my twin sister when her first daughter Ebony was born and her choice of music was Celine Dion. When Erin was born three years later, we had the music channel on and just as Erin entered the world, “My Heart Will Go On” came on. It seems my nieces are destined to be born to the sound of Celine Dion.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Martha vs Mary
I love my church – it is fairly small which means that everyone knows everyone else which makes it feel much more like you are part of a church family. The disadvantage of being quite small is that once you start volunteering to take on things, sometimes Sundays can feel a little hectic. This morning felt like I was rushing about trying to do too many tasks and being Martha when what I really wanted to do was to be Mary instead, to sit down and just enjoy spending time with God. Sometimes serving the church can distract from worshipping God.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Helicopter havoc
One of my husband’s hobbies is flying radio-controlled model helicopters and planes. This wouldn’t be a problem – except he has an indoor helicopter which he likes to fly around the lounge. At best, it’s somewhat annoying, particularly when I’m trying to work on something and suddenly have a helicopter whizz past my head, but it’s now resulting in breakages – fine when it’s the helicopter, not fine when it’s photo frames and ornaments. It’s even more reason to try and find somewhere with a little more space – and preferably a garage so he can shut himself in there and fly it.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Things I quite like about London
1) The view from Lambeth Bridge looking over towards the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
2) Driving over Albert Bridge (although since doing “Follow That Girl”, I can’t drive over it without thinking about jumping off it!)
3) Free museums – great way to spend a few hours.
4) The West End – so many musicals…
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Identity crisis
I’ve been gradually changing over to using my married name. The trouble is, I’m now at the stage where some things are in my maiden name and others in my married name and I’m losing track of which name I’m using for each. It didn’t help that I’ve been trying to juggle work calls (having kept my maiden name at work) with non-work calls (mostly in my married name). I’m beginning to realise that there is some sense in changing my name across the board. Still at least I wasn’t having to sign things too – now that would be confusing!
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