Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo challenge complete

Being able to choose a target word count for this month’s Camp NaNoWriMo was fabulous – after a couple of unsuccessful attempts at meeting NaNoWriMo targets since embarking on motherhood, I have finally managed to complete this month’s challenge thanks to setting a more achievable word count. It feels good to be writing a bit more again and it is quite satisfying to have completed the challenge this month. The next Camp NaNoWriMo challenge is in July. I’m quite tempted to have another go then as once Pod arrives, I suspect I won’t be having very much free time for writing!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Bedtime bliss

Bedtime has to be one of my favourite times of the day. My wriggly, active toddler no longer wants to sit and be cuddled for long periods of time during the day, but at bedtime, she is very happy to snuggle up on my lap while I read stories to her, sing lullabies, give her some milk and then finally sit back in the rocking chair and cuddle up together while I rock her until she falls asleep (or at least until she is sleepy enough to stay settled when I put her down in the cot). Precious, precious moments.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

A little bit of news...

Very excited to announce that Jessica is going to be a big sister! All being well, her baby brother or sister (currently nicknamed ‘Pod’) will arrive sometime around the end of October. We all got to see Pod on scan a few days ago and all appears well as far as they can tell at the moment. We have an increased risk of having a second child with a heart condition (the approximate risk is 1 in 50) so will be having a cardiac scan in a few weeks’ time to have a closer look at Pod’s heart. Fingers crossed!

Monday, 8 April 2013

RIP Uncle Ken


Received some very sad news this afternoon – my Uncle Ken passed away this morning. It came as quite a shock as I didn’t know he had been ill. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to get to know him so much better over the last couple of years – he and my Auntie Kathy were so supportive when they found out about Jessica’s diagnosis and visited us in hospital several times during the week we spent at the John Radcliffe. Sending lots of love and prayers to my Auntie Kathy, my cousins Karen and Bryan and their families.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo

It’s the start of a new month and the start of another writing challenge. Once again, I have decided to take on the challenge of Camp NaNoWriMo – although for this month’s camp there have been some changes. Being able to choose your target word count for one. Trying to write 50,000 words in a month whilst juggling the demands of full-time mummyhood has proved pretty much impossible so far (having tried and failed twice) but 25,000 words seems like an achievable target. So far I’m managing to keep on track – hopefully I will be able to continue to do so.