Welcome to my blog! My aim is to write exactly 100 words preferably on a daily basis, to share my thoughts, any creative ideas and generally to help me focus my writing.
Friday, 29 April 2011
Royal wedding
Having said for the last few weeks that I was bored of hearing about the royal wedding, it was quite a surprise to wake up this morning and actually wish I had gone into central London to soak up the atmosphere of it all. Michael was certainly surprised by my complete change of opinion – but with all the excitement on the TV and radio, it just made me think about how happy I was on my own wedding morning and suddenly there I was feeling excited and happy for the royal couple and wanting to watch it all on TV.
Church craft club

Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Another evening with friends
We seem to be doing quite a lot of socialising with friends and family at the moment which is great. Tonight we were out for a meal at the local all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet to celebrate a friend’s birthday. I love all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurants – unlimited amounts of crispy duck pancakes – yummy! Although these days, the amount of Chinese food I can eat has reduced somewhat so I can’t quite take as much advantage of it as I used to. But even if I had to ease off on the duck pancakes, it was still good to spend an evening with friends.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Olympic ticket application grumbles
It’s been a bit last minute, but we have put in our application for Olympic Games tickets. I can’t say I’m impressed with the application system. We’ve applied for more tickets than we want (on the basis that we’re unlikely to get them all) but whilst the payment for any tickets we’ve managed to get will be taken between 10 May and 10 June, we may not actually find out what we’ve got until 24 June, so we have to assume we will have to pay for them all (ouch!) Plus you can only pay by Visa which is annoying.
The joys of the 4-day weekend
Weekends always seem to go by so fast – particularly as it often seems that either Michael or I end up working for part of the weekend and then there seems to be very little time left to try and tackle things around the house. For once though, both of us had managed to keep the whole of the Easter weekend fairly free which meant not only did we manage to move forward on the various tasks we had planned, but we also managed to have plenty of time to relax, spend time with friends and family and enjoy the break.
Kevin's 50th birthday party

Saturday, 23 April 2011
Family barbecue

CTU walk of witness

Thursday, 21 April 2011
Mini midwife in the making?

Wednesday, 20 April 2011
A trip to the chiropractor today has confirmed what I already suspected – I have got SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) and therefore have been advised to give up tap dancing as this is likely to make it worse. I had hoped to continue with tap for a bit longer but I also know how disabling SPD can be when it is severe. Hopefully by getting it picked up early, I can stop it getting much worse later on. On the plus side, other things to avoid include hoovering – looks like my lovely hubby is going to have to do it instead!
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Happy birthday, Erin!

Monday, 18 April 2011
Tap exam results
Tap exam results are now in and I am pleased to report that I managed a score of 84 which I’m very happy about. Our new routines involve lots of stamps and drops which have made me realise why tap is considered ‘high impact’ exercise – I had to stop a few minutes before the end of the last class because my ligaments were really starting to ache. The advice I read about stopping at 16 weeks no longer seems so silly – am still planning to continue for a while longer but suspect I will be stopping sooner rather than later.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Team Floppy Throttle - less than 2 weeks to go

Saturday, 16 April 2011
Musical tastes
The modern day version of the freak show is back on our screens – yes, Britain’s Got Talent is proving once again that for every person with genuine talent, there are a dozen others who are either deluded or just desperate for five minutes of fame. Still, it did give rise to a magical moment when I felt definite kicking from Sprout for the first time. I was slightly concerned that it was during the handbell accompaniment to ‘My Heart Will Go On’. Hopefully this isn’t a sign of appreciation for Celine Dion songs. Maybe Sprout’s musical education should start now…
Maternity wardrobe
Having siblings who have already had children is a bonus when it comes to my maternity wardrobe. I’ve now reached the stage where half my clothes don’t fit at all and the ones that do fit aren’t likely to do so for too much longer and have become a little uncomfortable. But thanks to my wonderful twin sister who seems to have bought several shops’ worth of clothes during her pregnancies, I now have a whole new wardrobe of clothes which hopefully should keep me going right up until Sprout’s arrival and beyond. It’s so nice to be comfortable again!
Off-putting advertising
I love Spring Harvest but there has been one annoying thing about it this year which seems to be much worse than in previous years and that is the amount of advertising. Virtually every workshop, lecture, Bible study session or worship session seems to be interrupted by someone plugging a book or CD or event. It’s not so bad when it’s actually relevant to the session but when it’s completely unrelated, it completely puts me off buying the product even if I would have been interested otherwise. The book/CD plugging has always happened but it used to be more subtle.
Creative zone
Taking time out
As much as I enjoy the Bible studies, workshops and worship celebrations, it is also nice to take some time out just to be alone, with a cup of hot chocolate, watching the world go by (not always easy to achieve when with a group of friends, particularly when you also tend to go to the same things!) I’m realising again this week that my decision to take a break from drama is definitely the right one – the drama workshop is usually on my ‘must do’ list but this year having time out for me instead was much more appealing.
The lure of the bookshop
Off to Spring Harvest
Going to Spring Harvest seems to be a triennial thing for me. This hasn’t been intentional – I have wanted to go most years but my annual leave didn’t happen to be at the right time, or it clashed with rehearsing for and performing a show, or there was just some other reason why I didn’t end up going. For me, it’s a chance to go away and unwind for a few days, to spend time focusing on God (which all too often falls by the wayside on a day-to-day basis despite the good intentions) and to catch up with friends.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
A good decision
I ended up helping backstage last night for Kiss Me Kate (as a gofer for the stage manager – no moving heavy scenery for me – just lots of running about making sure the cast are in the right places). It was nice to feel part of it (or as much as you can be as stage crew) but I didn’t miss being on stage which was slightly surprising. I haven’t missed rehearsals, the stress of preparing for a show, the annoying politics that are part of every am-dram group I’ve ever been involved in. Taking a break was the right decision.
Name and shame time
It’s name and shame time again. This time, my mini rant is about New Look clothes, or more specifically ordering clothes on their website. I ordered two maternity tops and paid extra for delivery between 7am and noon on 8 April and waited in. No show. At 12.15 I call New Look and my clothes haven’t even left the warehouse. So much for express delivery. Plus they can’t refund the extra I paid for express delivery – I have to call them back once the clothes arrive. Except I’m off to Spring Harvest and will probably now miss the delivery anyway.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Surprising my family
Sometimes it’s nice to take a trip home unexpectedly and surprise my family. On Thursdays, my mum and twin sister usually go shopping together and then my mum goes with my sister to the local infant school to pick up my nieces. She wasn’t expecting me to turn up there as well (although my twin sister knew I was coming home and kept it quiet!). Nor was one of my other sisters expecting me to walk through the door of the clothes shop where she works! I love surprising my family and being able to spend some time with them.
Farewell to Felix

Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Like a lot of women, I have a tendency to take on board and dwell on negative comments and sometimes dismiss compliments or not really believe them (e.g. “That piece you were playing sounded good” tends to meet with “Really? It was full of mistakes.”) I can sometimes fret for days about something bad someone has said, but the glow from a positive comment rarely lingers half as long. I guess negative comments tend to resonate more with our inner doubts and insecurities and therefore hit harder but the good things people say are just as likely to be true.
Spa day
Had a lovely day chillaxing at a spa thanks to birthday vouchers from my mother-in-law (yes, I know my birthday was 11 months ago – it’s taken me this long to get around to booking it!) I started off with a sleep retreat session (relaxation meditation session) then had a swim and another doze next to the pool (testing out another sleep relaxation treatment!) before having a head and neck massage and then a foot massage – sheer bliss! It was nice to go on my own (I find solitude relaxing) but not as nice as having a spa day with Michael.
Another op'nin', another show...
Kiss Me Kate opens at the Compass Theatre this week. I’m not really involved with this show (except for putting together the programme) but Michael is doing the sound design and so the only way I can really get to see anything of my husband this week is to spend half my evenings at the theatre. Being pregnant is a great reason not to be involved in moving set or anything like that so I’ve mostly spent the time sitting at the back of the theatre near the sound desk half-watching what’s going on on stage whilst knitting baby clothes.
The best laid plans...
Having discovered that the worship planning group at church was leading the Mother’s Day service, I thought it would be a good opportunity to get the young people at church involved in the service. The original plan was to put together a slideshow based on Proverbs 31 with photos of the ladies in the church doing everyday things that illustrated the reading. My group were going to take some photos of their mums which we could use. Unfortunately, this didn’t quite happen as planned – I was left searching my photo collection for enough photos to put together the slideshow myself!
Family time
First day of annual leave and off home for the day to catch up with family and to meet my beautiful new great-nephew Ryan – had a lovely cuddle with him for about an hour which he spent mostly sleeping, ignoring big brother Steven who was chattering away and piling toys on my lap. Also popped in for a cup of tea with my twin sister and then it was off to bingo with my mum and Auntie Pauline – lovely to have an evening out with them – would have been better if the caller had been calling the right numbers though!
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